Date Event 3rd century B.C. Iron weapons in use Xiongnu invasion of China repulsed 2d-1st centuries B.C. Nomads expand west pressure on China continues 1st-2d centuries A.D. Renewed attacks on China A.D. 317 Xianbei conquer northern China 386-ÍÍÍÍ533 Period of Northern Wei Dynasty, established by the Toba in northern China mid-8th century Possible early Mongol links with Tibetan Buddhism 916-1125 Period of Kitan Liao Dynasty, established over eastern Mongolia, Manchuria, and northern China 1038-1227 Tangut Western Xia Dynasty, established in northwestern China 1115-1234 Jurchen establish Jin Dynasty in Manchuria, northern China 1139-47 Jurchen defeat Mongols in Pamirs 1196-1206 Temujin unites Mongols, assumes title of Chinggis Khan 1209-15 Mongols conquer south to Beijing, west to Lake Balkash 1220-26 Southwest Asia conquered invasion of Europe and China 1227 Chinggis dies 1231 Korea invaded 1235 Capital rebuilt at Karakorum 1237-41 Expedition into Europe that was halted at Vienna with death of Ogedei 1240-1480 Suzerainty over Russia established by Golden Horde (see Glossary) Conquest of Song China 1260 Mongols defeated by Egyptian Mamluks 1261 Khubilai becomes great khan 1274 and 1281 Unsuccessful attempts at invasion of Japan 1279 Yuan Dynasty established in China 1368 Yuan Dynasty destroyed Mongols driven back into Mongolia 1388 Chinese troops destroy Karakorum 1391 Timur defeats Golden Horde 1400-54 Civil war ends Mongol unity 1409-49 Renewed Mongol invasions of China 1466 Dayan Khan reunites most of Mongolia 1480-1502 Muscovites end Mongol control of Russia last of Golden Horde defeated 1571 Mongols end 300-year war with China 1586 Buddhism becomes state religion 1641-52 Russians defeat Buryat Mongols, gain control of Lake Baykal region 1672 Mongols raid Siberia and Russia 1691 Most Khalkha Mongols accept suzerainty of Manchus, absorbed into Chinese empire (Qing Dyansty 1644-1911) 1728 Sino-Russian Treaty of Kyakhta redefines traditional Mongolian borders 1732 Dzungar Mongols defeated Mongol independence ended 1750s Chinese divide Mongolia into northern, Outer Mongolia (see Glossary), and Southern, Inner Mongolia (see Glossary) 1783 Last reigning descendant of Chinggis in the Crimea deposed by Russians December 1, 1911 Outer Mongolia proclaims independence from China December 28, 1911 Mongolia establishes autonomous theocratic government November 3, 1912 Russia affirms Mongolia's separation from China November 5, 1913 Sino-Russian agreement acknowledges Chinese suzerainty over Mongolia May 25, 1915 T
100reaty oy of Kyakhta formalizes Mongolian autonomy SepteÍÍÍÍmber 1918 Chinese troops occupy Outer Mongolia March-June 1920 Mongolian People's Party formed, establishes links with Communist International (see Glossary) and Soviets October 1920 Russian White Guards invade Mongolia March 1-3, 1921 First National Party Congress of the Mongolian People's Party held in Kyakhta, Soviet Union March 13, 1921 Mongolian People's Provisional Government formed July 1921 Mongolian-Soviet army drives out White Guards July 11, 1921 Mongolian People's Government, a limited monarchy, proclaimed September 14, 1921 Mongolian independence proclaimed November 5, 1921 Soviets recognize Mongolian People's Government February 22, 1923 Revolutionary hero Damdiny Sukhe Batar dies May 31, 1924 Sino-Soviet treaty recognizes Chinese sovereignty over Mongolia August 1924 Mongolian People's Party becomes Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party November 6, 1924 First National Great Hural convenes November 25, 1924 Mongolian People's Republic proclaimed Soviet style state constitution adopted Niyslel Huree renamed Ulaanbaatar March 1925 Soviet troops ostensibly withdraw September 1927 Inner-party struggle at Sixth Party Congress December 1928 Horloyn Choybalsan emerges as party leader 1929-32 Feudal estates confiscated religious communities suppressed April-May 1932 Soviet troops help quell rebellions party repudiates extremism November 27, 1934 Mongolian-Soviet "gentlemen's agreement" allows Soviet troops into Mongolia March 12, 1936 Treaty and mutual defense protocol signed with Soviet Union 1937-39 High-level government purges 1938 Buddhist monasteries closed 1939 Choybalsan emerges as undisputed leader July-August 1939 Mongolian-Soviet joint force defeats Japanese at Khalkhyn Gol March-April 1940 Yumjaagiyn Tsedenbal becomes party general secretary August 10, 1945 Mongolia declares war on Japan January 5, 1946 China recognizes Mongolia's independence February 27, 1946 Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance and Agreement on Economic and Cultural Cooperation signed with Soviet Union February 1949 Ninth National Great Hural, first since 1940, convenes January 26, 1952 Choybalsan dies May 1952 Tsedenbal becomes premier December 1952 Economic and cultural cooperation agreement signed with China April 1956 "Personality cult" of Choybalsan condemned October 1956 New collective efforts start July 6, 1960 New state Constitution adopted October 27, 1961 Mongolia admitted to United Nations January 1962 Choybalsan's "personality cult" again condemned June 7, 1962 Mongolia joins Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon--see Glossary) 1966 Serious Mongolian-Chinese differences emerge June 1974 Jambyn Batmonh becomes chairman of Council of Ministers Tsedenbal becomes chairman of the Presidium of the People's Great Hural and continues as party first secretary August 23, 1984 Tsedenbal retires Batmonh becomes party general secretary December 12, 1984 Batmonh elected chairman of Presidium of People's Great Hural Dumaagiyn Sodnom becomes premier April 1986 Long-term trade agreement signed with China January 15, 1987 Soviet Union announces intention to withdraw one of five Soviet divisions stationed in Mongolia January 27, 1987 Diplomatic relations established with the United States November 28, 1988 Treaty on a border control system signed with China March 7, 1989 Soviets announced that troop withdrawal plans had been final
ized Data as of June 1989