Seychelles - SOCIETY

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Population: July 1994 estimate 72,113 with population growth rate of 0.8 percent.

Ethnic Groups: Relatively homogeneous population of mixed European and African descent.

Languages: Official languages: Creole (first), English (second), French (third).

Religion: Roman Catholics (90 percent), Anglicans (7 percent), evangelical Protestants (1 percent), other (2 percent).

Education: Free, required attendance grades one through nine. Initial instruction in Creole, English added in grade three, French in grade six. Participation in one-year National Youth Service program at age fifteen generally needed to enter Seychelles Polytechnic or to begin work. No higher education on island. Overall claimed literacy in 1991: 85 percent.

Health: Free government health services for all citizens. In 1994 life expectancy at birth estimated at: overall 69.7 years, 73.4 for females, 66.1 years for males. Infant mortality in 1994 estimated at 11.7 per 1,000 live births.

Data as of August 1994

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